Like the Karavay special, a fee must be payed to play it. However, it comes with a small price to play it. This special bakery takes place in Medieval Russia. The only free bonus packs, and takes place at Jill's grandparents' bakery. Three bonus packs were released, each with new customers and levels. However, they all come together for one of the stages of the game. Unlike the customers in any of the games in the series, the characters all stay within their time period. As Jill's family and friends rush to pick up the scattered shards, they are suddenly sent hurtling through time! Now, to ensure her wedding goes off without a hitch, Jill herself must travel to remote periods in time and work her cake-making magic on a wide variety of locals in order to get herself and her guests back before the ceremony begins!" " As Jill prepares for her long anticipated wedding day, disaster strikes when a mysterious time bender crashes to the ground and shatters into pieces. Earning enough profits, the players can upgrade the machinery in the kitchen to go faster and buy shoes that help Jill get around just as fast.

Players move her around the kitchen to bake, frost, and top cakes per customers orders. Like in the prior games, the players control Jill.